Centrum Hotelowo Biurowe Fort Piłsudskiego Warszawa Projekt Neostudio

Hotel and Office Center Fort Piłsudskiego Warsaw

Functional develompent of Marshall Pilsudski Fort Area includes historic fort building with galleries and gastronomy, hotel and conference building, office building, Joga and Dance Center and Spa and wellness center. Master Plan includes also summer cinema, amphiteater and recreation areas.

Client: Neinver Polska Sp. z o.o.
Location: Warsaw
Design Team: Bartosz Jarosz, Paweł Świerkowski, Anna Kolesińska, Maciej Witczak
Design: 2009

Centrum Hotelowo Biurowe Fort Piłsudskiego Warszawa Projekt Neostudio
Centrum Hotelowo Biurowe Fort Piłsudskiego Warszawa Projekt Neostudio
Centrum Hotelowo Biurowe Fort Piłsudskiego Warszawa Projekt Neostudio